swanlowpark stats for savers   1200x800 page index

Savings Calculator

Compares returns from cash-ISAs and stock-and-shares-ISAs with inflation

    •   Amount          Year

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YearAmount AmountCPI Amountint% AmountFTSE
   (CPI)  (int%)  (FTSE) 
20105,000 5,000.00  5,000.00  5,000.00 
20110 5,210.004.2 5,137.502.75 4,789.50-4.21
20120 5,350.672.7 5,281.352.80 5,342.6911.55
20130 5,457.682.0 5,374.831.77 6,414.4320.06
20140 5,484.970.5 5,454.381.48 6,442.010.43
20150 5,495.940.2 5,530.741.40 6,492.260.78
20160 5,583.881.6 5,598.771.23 7,524.5315.90
20170 5,751.393.0 5,654.751.00 8,472.6212.60
20180 5,872.172.1 5,721.481.18 7,657.55-9.62
20190 5,948.511.3 5,801.011.39 9,102.5318.87
20200 5,984.200.6 5,838.140.64 8,181.36-10.12
20210 6,307.355.4 5,858.570.35 9,598.3717.32

I saved 5000.00 during 2010.
What is the value of those savings at the end of 2020?
Amount=5000, Year=2010.
Answer: At end 2020 allowing for inflation 5,984
If invested in a savings account: maybe 5,838
If invested in Stock Market: maybe 8,181

Start Year: The calculator increases the amount from the end of Start Year onwards. If I had invested 5,000.00 in January 2009, I should use Start year=2008.

In the example, FTSE average annual growth: 6.1% which is 4.7% in real terms

ISAs: savings-account and FTSE end-of-year amounts are not reduced by tax.

Tax-free ISA's(Individual Savings Accounts) were introduced in 1999. ISA's were preceded by other tax-free savings - TESSA's (started 1991) and PEP's (started 1986).

expand/collapse  FTSE fund charges

Regular savings compounded annually

Table shows returns from regular savings invested in an FTSE-All-Share index fund.

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